明美五金工艺厂是一家大型美容床、电动美容床,美容床罩,师傅凳,美容美发工具车的生产厂家。我们连续3年在香港参加亚太区美容展,我们的产品深受各界人士欢迎。有十多年的生产经验,生产多年来,一直致力于新产品的开发及研制,价格合理,质量保证,深受各界人士的一致好评,产品畅销全国及欧美、东南亚等国家和地区。 “客户至上,质量第一”的服务宗旨,竭诚为国内外客商提供热诚的服务。可根据用户的要求订做,欢迎各界人士致电洽谈,咨询。请拔打13316769770。
MingMei Metalwork Factory is a large enterprise with hairdressing facilities.We have over ten years experience of production development of the new products, influxing the advanced experience of many countries, such as Italy, Poland,Span, United States and so on. High quality and cheap price as the management base, make friends in cooperation,keep improving practically. Our products have been popular throughout our country and have sold well all over the world ,with many excellent reports.